Real, verified reviews from online shoppers. Leave a review about your shopping experience today.
Rateretailer lets you share your shopping experience with other shoppers who are in the process of making research on specific online store. You can also make your contact information available to the store owners so they can reach out to you should you have any problems with the order you placed.
In order to leave a review on RateRetailer you need to have a valid order with a retailer, placed 30 days or less and enter your order number when you leave a review. We than will match this order number to databases that we have to make sure order number is valid and you are a real customer.
Absolutely no. Any website can be added to this system and any person who has a valid order number can add new website for other shoppers to continue sharing their shopping experiences. We will never remove stores from our database as per freedom of speech laws.
If you wish to, – sure you can. Lets say you worked out a bad shopping experience with retailer after you asked to be contacted. Once you confirm that case is resolved – we will take your review down. No questions asked.
Every review is being checked for authenticity by our system, which compares it to merchant order number databases, analyses cookies that every shopper has in their computer and matches all this data according to our secret algorithm to filter reviews that could be written by competition, bad guys and people who did not place the order. Remember – you have a valid order – your review will be live.
Rateretailer works on all Platforms
You can upload photos of products received, invoices and packaging
Help other shoppers to be aware
Many times Merchants want to say sorry. Its only up to you - forgive them or not.